芋頭冰磚(無油版) Taro cubes- A tasty summer dessert
不需要攪拌機。 無負擔的夏日點心,無油低糖,濃濃的芋頭香,家人朋友吃得好開心。 也可以將部分牛奶改成煉奶或是鮮奶油,奶味會更加香濃! 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 A delicious Taiwanese summer dessert! You only need 3 simple ingredients to make this: taro roots, sugar and milk. ⭐️冰磚材料: 蒸熟的芋頭 800g 冰砂糖(或白砂糖) 80g 牛奶 100g ⭐️Ingredients: Steamed taro roots 800g Sugar (or fine rock sugar) 80g Milk 100g 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 。將芋頭放入大同電鍋蒸熟。 。Using a steamer steam taro roots until it is fully cooked。 。用叉子確認所有芋頭都已經熟透透。 。After 15-20 minutes, use a fork to check if it is fully cooked. The fork should be able to easily go all the way through。 。趁熱加入所有冰糖和芋頭拌勻。 。Mix in sugar quickly while the taro is still hot。 。然後加入牛奶,繼續拌得均勻滑順。 。Then add in the milk and mix until smooth like a paste。 。所有材料拌好之後,放入模具內抺平壓實。 。After mixing, press the taro paste firmly into the mold。 。蓋上保鮮膜,放入冰箱冷藏4小時以上,即可。 。Cover with fresh wrap and leave in fridge for at least 4-6 hours。 。 從冰箱取出,切成方形,就是清涼的夏日點心。 。Cut into cube shape and serve cold。...